two 7:30s! TWO! that’s never happened before. as awesome as TWO 7:30s is, it is a bit bittersweet, too, because that means we are flying through time zones. flying through time zones back to the states. and away from europe. and away from vacation.

on the plane rome – detroit. two? three? (free) bottles of wine in. already enjoyed ‘forest gump’ – which was odd to have being played on the plane because we were quoting it was lacklan just days before – and moved my enjoyment on to ‘the hangover’. funny, but as per usual, not living up to the hype. the only movie that has ever lived up to the hype has been ‘mean girls’.

flight detroit – minneapolis. catching up in the journal. i went through one whole moleskine journal in the past month. tis the result of seeing, thinking, and feeling a lot i suppose.